Monday, November 2, 2020

Self Dedication Ritual


What is a self-dedication ritual?

Basically, it means you are dedicating yourself to your path. In Wicca, this would be known as your initiation. But in Pagan practices, a self-dedication doesn't require more people than yourself. This is perfect for the solitary practitioner.

You will dedicate yourself to your chosen path and the Gods you chose to work with or honor. My path is windy, and it weaves in and out of many beliefs, including Wicca. The Gods I primarily work with are Dianna the triple moon Goddess and Cernunnos the horned God.

Some people wait until they have studied a year and a day before doing this ritual. Some believe this is the start of the year and a day study period. I practiced for a few years before I even know what this ritual was. I was pretty much winging it and learning as I went along.

Some choose to wait until the new moon while others perform theirs on a specific holiday, such as Samhain.

Some witches might find it silly, but I like to do a rededication each year on Samhain. It is the first of my rituals for that holiday. I do this to keep myself grounded on my path and to remind myself why I am doing any of this in the first place.

How to perform the ritual

Things you will need

An altar
Anointing oil (can be lavender oil) make sure it is ok to put on your skin
A white candle

Before you begin,

You might want to take a cleansing bath or shower when you can take a few minutes to let the energies of the past wash off of you and go down the drain. While you are doing this, imagine all of your worries are being washed away. It leaves all the negativity running down the drain until all that is your magical self, full of positivity and light.

Once you are done with your bath or shower, go to your altar. You might want to do this ritual sky-clad (naked) or wear ritual clothes. I have a gown I like to wear.

From here on, this is a template and you can and should use it as a guideline. What I mean to say, is you should only use it as a guideline and tweak the words to fit your needs? This should come out as organic as possible.

Remember, your path is your own, and no two witches are the same. The words that work for me might not work as well for you on your path, and that's ok.

The ritual

Stand before your altar and say:

I am a child of the gods, and I ask them to bless me.

Dip your finger into the blessing oil, and with eyes closed, anoint your forehead. Some people do this by tracing a pentagram on the skin with the oil. Say:

May my mind be blessed, so that I can accept the wisdom of the gods. Anoint the eyelids (be careful here!) and say: May my eyes be blessed, so I can see my way clearly upon this path. Anoint the tip of your nose with the oil, and say: May my nose be blessed, so I can breathe in the essence of all that is Divine.

Anoint your lips and say:

May my lips be blessed, so I may always speak with honor and respect.

Anoint your chest and say:

May my heart be blessed, so I may love and be loved.

Anoint the tops of your hands and say:

May my hands be blessed, so that I may use them to heal and help others.

Anoint your genital area and say:

May my womb be blessed, so that I may honor the creation of life. (If you're male, make the appropriate changes here.)

Anoint the soles of your feet and say:

May my feet be blessed, so that I may walk side by side with the Divine.

If you have specific deities you follow, pledge your loyalty to them now. Otherwise, you can use “God and Goddess,” or “Mother and Father.” Say:

Tonight, I pledge my dedication to the God and Goddess. I will walk with them beside me, and ask them to guide me on this journey. I pledge to honor them and ask that they allow me to grow closer to them. As I will, so it shall be.

Take some time to meditate. Feel the afterglow of the ritual, and feel the energy of the gods around you. You have brought yourself to the attention of the Divine, so they will be keeping an eye on you. Accept the gift of their wisdom.

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