Sunday, July 25, 2021


3 C’s

You may have read or heard someone talking about the three c's. So what are they and why are they so important in witchcraft? The 3 C's reference cleansing, consecrating and charging. We usually do this to tools before use.

Why is it important to do these things, you might ask yourself? Well, it's quite simple if you think about it this way. When you go to the supermarket and buy produce, you wash it before you eat it to rid it of dirt. With our tools, it's the same concept but instead of dirt, in most cases, it's the energy you want to wash away.
Each step of the three C’s should be done in the following order.

Cleansing-Ridding your witchy tools and yourself of dust, dirt, and or energy before use. Objects, including ourselves, pick up energy from the atmosphere and the surrounding people.

Much like buying produce, you want to wash away any germs or dirt before putting it in your mouth. The same is true for your tools. Of course, you won’t be putting those in your mouth unless we are talking about your chalice and then it’s the drink inside that goes in your mouth.

You can cleanse most of your tools with simple soap and water. Others can be damaged by water and you research whether your specific tool can be put in water.

This is true for some crystals and any cast-iron you use. If you use a cast-iron cauldron, it will come with special instructions on cleaning and caring for it.

For items you cannot submerge in water, there are three very effective ways of cleansing. The first is to leave the item on a windowsill or outside during the new or dark moon.

The second way is to run the item through the smoke of sage. If you don’t like the smell of a sage smudge, you can use sage incense. This is my preferred method of burning sage and it has always worked well for me.

The third is to put the item in a dish of salt. Table salt is just as effective as sea salt. I would use white salt thought since pink salt and black salt have their specific uses. White is the color of purity after all and you are purifying the tool by cleansing it.

Consecrating or blessing-Many Pagan traditions involve the consecration of magical tools before use. Cosecarting the tool will allow you to imbue it with your intent. Since you have removed all of the energy during the cleansing process, it is time to put some energy back in.

You can make a consecration oil which is very useful for candles. But what about the tools you don’t want to get all oily.

For those items, you will need a white candle and your altar if you use one. Set up your altar in your usual way and if you cast a circle do that. Place your item in the middle of your altar and say something to the effect of…

I consecrate this (the tool’s name “athema, wand, etc…”) in the name of the old ones, the ancient ones, the sun and moon, and stars.

It’s as simple as that. For the incense on the altar, I use sandalwood. I run the tool through the smoke before placing it in the middle of my altar.

Keep in mind that with Pagan traditions there is no right or wrong way of doing things.

Charging-The last step in the three C’s is charging. This is by far the easiest of the steps. You have already done all the hard work unless you have to wait for a full moon. I like to do all of my three C’s on the full moon. If I have a lot of tools that require cleansing, I will start the process a day or two before.

There are two ways to charge your tools. It is based on personal preference and what your intended purpose is for the tool.

For the full moon, you will need to leave your tools on a windowsill or outside where the full moon will shine down on them.

The other is the sun. Be cautious with leaving tools in the sun. Just like some crystals cannot be submerged in water, some crystals should not be in direct sunlight.

For example, amethyst will fade if left in the sun. And if you put your crystal ball in the sun it works like a magnifying glass and you could start a fire.

Just do a little research before you cleanse your items to know if they are water and sun-safe. If not refer above to other ways to cleanse them and leave them in the light of the full moon instead of the sun.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Amazing sigils


Check out these amazing sigils I found on Pinterest. I didn’t write any of these but thought they were too great not to share. Here is the link to the Tumblr blog where you can find the source.

Tumblr source

I think it’s important to give this creator all the credit for coming up with so many great sigils. I hope you get your desired outcome, should you choose to use them. I am going to print them out on colorful printer paper and give them a try. If you try them let me know in the comment section how they came out for you.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

5 Tips for 2021

5 Witch tips to start your 2021 

 I just saw this amazing and simple tip and thought I’d share it here with you. It is so amazingly simple you’ll wonder why you hadn’t thought of doing it before.


Keep crystals in a bowl of salt so they will always be cleansed.


Seeing that tip made me wonder what other tips out there I have somehow missed over the years. So here is what I found.


Marigolds- They are an incredibly resilient flower that is super easy to grow. I keep the deadheads and sprinkle the seeds on top of the dirt. Believe it or not, it’s that easy to get them to grow. A little water and a little sun and you will have a flower box full. So, why am I including them in this tip post? They are great for protection. Keep them inside in pots or outside (weather permitting) to protect yourself, your family, and your house.



Clover- But Momma V aren’t they weeds? Nope. They have magical properties that we could all use, wealth, and success. The best part, they don’t have to be four leaves. Everyone knows the four-leaf ones are hard to find and therefore the extra lucky ones, but don’t throw out the three-leaf ones. Use them in spells for wealth and success.



Trust your gut- I can’t state this loud enough. You are a witch, embrace your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, you should not do it. Those gut feelings are there for a reason.



We can make an easy and cheap pendulum from a needle and string. Grab your newly made pendulum and a sheet of paper, write yes vertically (top and bottom), and no horizontally (left and right sides), draw a cross in the middle so the pendulum will have lines to use. Now get to asking those yes and no questions you have been too afraid to ask. 

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Witch tips for the new year

 A few tips for the new year

  Start your day with meditation.

This is something I read in one of the first witchy books I ever had. Naturally, I don’t remember what the book was titled or who wrote it but it speaks to me more now that I am an older witch. It really will help to open your mind and energies to start your day off right.


2.     Find a balance between your mundane life and witchy workings.

I don’t think enough witches take this into consideration. Some might think you can’t be a proper witch if you don’t look a certain way or act a certain way every moment of every day. Being a witch isn’t the items around you or how you act. Being a witch is who you are. Finding the balance, what does that really mean?


Well, you probably can’t cast spells at work or doodle in your grimoire in class. You also don’t want to bring your calculus homework into your sacred space. You also might not want to change diapers on your altar.


3.     Don’t worry about not having all the things right away.

It can be very tempting to go into a metaphysical shop and spend your entire paycheck on all the cool witchy things you find. It takes a lot of years to accumulate all the tools you will want to use. Make your own when possible, the tools will be infused with your energy and will be more powerful.


4.     It’s ok to not be perfect.

No one is perfect. Magic is a practice, and it takes time to get good at it. I can’t really say that any of the spells I did during my first two years came outright. But during that time I got pretty good at divination and reading auras.


Much later I got pretty good at protection spells and found out that the line between the dark and light isn’t easy to keep in balance. It is really easy to do harm when you are furious. If that is your goal, so be it. But I had to learn to be patient and let go of the negative before I do spell work.


I hope these tips come in handy for you

Friday, November 13, 2020

Citrus magic

 How to use citrus in your witchy practice.

There are ways you incorporate citrus in your witchy practice other than the obvious. Eating is just one way to get the goodness of citrus. You can slice it up, dry it out, and use it in spell jars. You can cut them in half, scoop out the insides and use them as offering bowls.

That's what I really want to talk about. Using the bowl-shaped rind. You can put them on your altar to use as an offering dish, but you can also fill them with birdseed and put them outside. Put a couple of holes around the top and add twine to hang them from a tree.

They can also be used to burn candles in.  I am sure there are many other ways you can think of to use them, and I would love to hear them in the comment section below.

magical properties

Orange: Joy, happiness, purification, money, luck.

Lemon: Longevity, happiness, refreshment/rejuvenation, purification, money, physical energy.

Lime: Protection, purification.

Grapefruit: Purification.

Tangerine: Purification, magickal energy.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Budget Witchery #1

 7 Dollar store finds for budget witchery

When was the last time you were in a dollar store and in the mindset of looking specifically for items you can use in your craft? I have been practicing for nearly three decades now, and I still have a hard time thinking outside the box.

Here are a few things to keep in mind the next time you are in the dollar tree or other dollar stores. Some items you might already buy there for your mundane life. Keep in mind that not every dollar store carries the same things...

1. Herbs and spices

Do you use loose herbs for incense? Why not try using the ones from the dollar store rather than the more expensive ones you can get at the grocers? If you are lucky enough to find bay leaves and cinnamon sticks, it's like hitting the lottery. Well, maybe not the lottery, but it will surely put a smile on your face. At least it does for me. I use bay leaves for writing wishes on a lot.

2. Sea salt and seashells

The last time I was in Walmart and looked for sea salt, it was about $5 for a small jar. I use sea salt to represent earth on my altar much of the time. I also love to use sand (I have seen sand at the dollar store, but I would rather collect that for free from a beach). Seashells are a good item to have on hand for water spells or if you draw your power from water. I have even seen starfish at the dollar store.

3 .Candles

Where to start with candles? I could write an entire book just on candles. I have found the tall glass (7 day) candles in many colors at the dollar store. (I have also found them at Walmart for a dollar). Birthday candles are great when you have a spell that needs to be done quickly. They are also perfect when you don't have time to wait for a candle to burn down. They also have taper candles, tea lights, and jar candles. The sky is the limit.

4. Incense and holders

It would surprise you at expensive these can be in other shops. You can get plain wood ones and decorate them any way you like. I saw one a wonderfully crafty witch did with a crystal added and a bit of air dry clay to hold incense cones.

5.Glass jars

So many shapes and sizes. I don't think I really need to explain why glass jars are good to have on hand. We are all witches, after all. But I will say I have seen some pretty unique ones at the dollar store in cool shapes and different colors.

6. Offering dishes and goblets

I found the most amazing goblet at the dollar store a week ago. It had a very elaborate design and I was very surprised to find it there for only a dollar. It is also a good place to find the offering dish that you might want to keep on your altar.

7. Candleholders

Whether it's for taper candles or plates for pillar candles even small ones for tea lights, you will find a wide array of holders for all of your candles.

  3 C’s You may have read or heard someone talking about the three c's. So what are they and why are they so important in witchcraft? Th...